暑期支教 | 从温肯出发,我开启了在马来西亚的国际义工支教之行

2024-01-16 | 教育学院TESOL学生风采 | 教育学院

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国际英语教学硕士(MA TESOL) 2022级学生徐晓萱在暑假前往马来西亚进行国际义工支教,以下为学生支教分享:

这个暑假,作为温州肯恩大学国际英语教学硕士(MA TESOL) 专业的学生,我去到了马来西亚吉隆坡进行国际义工支教。支教的主要内容是教授来自缅甸和阿富汗难民孩子英语。旅程意义非凡,我结交到了来自世界各地的朋友,体验了各种文化,而且也把在国际英语教学硕士(MA TESOL) 专业学到的专业知识运用到了实际教学中。


首先是关于我为什么有这个想法。这主要受温肯教授们的影响。国际英语教学硕士(MA TESOL)专业负责人Dr. Agnes Tang经常鼓励并带领我做社区服务教学(service teaching),使我对支教产生了兴趣;我的导师Dr. Cho对我的支持和鼓励给我了勇气;以及学校教授们在不同国家生活、工作的奇妙的人生经历给了我启发。

在国际义工支教期间,我把在温肯国际英语教学硕士(MA TESOL)专业学习期间学到的知识运用到了实际教学中。比如,在教授学生学习《雾都孤儿》时,我运用到了literature circle和jigsaw reading strategy。这些方法不仅培养了孩子们的阅读能力,还促进了孩子们的团队合作精神与倾听能力。同时,在进行词汇教学时,我运用游戏和互动活动来增加课堂的趣味性,并创造“以学生为中心”的课堂。


除了日常教学外,在义工教学的半个月中,令我印象深刻的还有为期4天的Peace Camp。Peace Camp主要由一位来自韩国的老师领导,运用Communicative Language Teaching的教学技巧,培养孩子们的英语口语能力, 沟通能力,创新精神,团队精神和动手能力。


作为一位MA.TESOL专业在读的pre-service teacher,这次体验无疑让我学习到了许多。首先,我又一次意识到了老师这个职业的力量,因为老师会在不经意间影响到学生。比如我这次的旅程正是因为被温肯的老师们的故事和精神所影响和鼓舞。所以,我们作为老师,更需要注意自己要给学生传递怎样的价值观。其次,正如上面所说,我进一步看见了非传统英语课堂的魅力所在——创新、合作、趣味、自主、agency、交流互动、友好安全的学习环境,以学生为中心的课堂等。这些也正是我在温肯国际英语教学硕士专业(MA TESOL) 所学习和倡导的教育理念。第三,Peace Camp把英语教学和手工、美术、戏剧、音乐,以及kinesthetic activities完美结合。这样的跨学科教育是当今盛行的教学模式,也是温肯国际英语教学硕士专业(MA TESOL) 培养未来教师的理念之一。最后,希望当我涉足到教师领域时,教学的目的可以不仅仅停留在学生的分数上,而是更注重鼓励学生也鼓励自己,去保持好奇心、多多体验世界,探索自己。


During this summer vacation, as a student majoring in MA. TESOL in Wenzhou-Kean University, I went to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for an international volunteer teaching trip. My job was to teach English to refugee children from Myanmar and Afghanistan. This amazing journey made me make a lot friends from all over the world and experience the diverse cultures. Additionally, I put the knowledge learned from WKU MA.TESOL into the practice.

The first thing I want to share is about why I got the idea to do this. The reasons were mainly attributed WKU professors’ positive influence on me. First, Professor Tang, who is the coordinator of WKU MA. TESOL, often encourages and leads us to do service teaching, which makes me get the interest in service teaching. Second, my advisor- professor Cho’s support and encouragement gave me the courage. I was also strongly inspired by other WKU professors’ amazing life experiences of living and working in different countries.

During the international volunteer teaching, I applied the knowledge learned from WKU MA. TESOL to my teaching. For example, when I taught the English literature of Oliver Twist, I applied the literature circle and jigsaw reading strategies. These methods not only cultivated students’ reading ability, but also promoted their teamwork spirit and listening ability. In addition, when I taught vocabulary, I used games and activities to bring interest to the class and to create the student-centered classroom.

During the half a month’s journey, I was also deeply impressed by the four-day Peace Camp. This program was mainly led by a teacher from South Korea. Using Communicative Language Teaching strategy, the program was mainly aimed at developing students’ oral English ability, communicative skill, team spirit, innovative spirit and hands-on ability.

As a pre-service teacher majoring in MA. TESOL, I undoubtedly learned a lot from this experience. First of all, I realized the power of a teacher again, because teachers can really and unconsciously affect students. My own example is a good one- I have been inspired by my teachers’ spirits and experience. Therefore, as teachers, we need to pay more attention to our behaviors and to what values we want to pass on to our students. Secondly, as I mentioned above, I further saw the charm of non-traditional English classroom- innovation, cooperation, fun, autonomy, agency, interaction, friendly and save learning environment, student-centered classroom, to name a few. These are all the educational concepts advocated by WKU MA. TESOL. Third, Peac Camp was an appropriate combination of English teaching, and crafts, art, drama, music, kinesthetic activities. This interdisciplinary education mode is prevailing today, and it is also one of the concepts to train future teachers for WKU MA. TESOL. Finally, I hope that when I take my step on the field of education, my teaching purpose can not only stay on the scores, but also encourage students and also myself to keep curious, keep experiencing the world and exploring ourselves.