
2023-10-09 | 温肯新闻, 头条发布 | PAN, Yao

近日,温州肯恩大学迎来第三届夏季师生拍档科研项目(Summer Student Partnering with Faculty Research Program,简称SSpF) 成果汇报会。夏季师生拍档科研项目(SSpF)是温州肯恩大学的品牌科研活动。每年暑假,指导老师将在短暂的2个月时间里指导学生开展科研项目。




【2023年Summer Student partnering Faculty项目】


※ 优秀案例分享 ※

1. 关注青少年心理健康

Focus on Adolescent Mental Health


Explore the Effect of Adolescents’ and Parents’ Stigma toward Depressive Disorder on Potential Help-Seeking Behavior and Mental Health

Instructor:Qian Li

Student:Pengmei Zhang, Mengqi Wang, Yihan Weng, Shuang Wu

摘要 Abstract


The prevalence of depressive disorders among adolescents has risen significantly worldwide. However, there is a considerable discrepancy between the high prevalence of depression and the low rates of help-seeking behavior. Therefore, the current study aims to investigate the association between attitudes toward depression among adolescents and their parents and their behavioral tendency to seek help in order to contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of how to support adolescents’ mental health conditions.

研究一(n = 198)从理论概念出发,设计了基于情境的量表来测量个人对抑郁症的污名化态度,并通过探索性因素分析,得到了六个维度的结构:认知层面的两个维度(即对患抑郁症个体的危险性和过错性的刻板印象),情感层面的两个维度(即对患抑郁症个体的恐惧和愤怒情绪),以及行为倾向的两个维度(包含社交隔离和歧视行为)。

In study 1 (n = 198), based on the theoretical concept of stigma, we developed a scenario-based scale to measure individuals’ stigma toward depression. Exploratory factor analysis revealed a six-factor structure, including two cognitive dimensions (i.e., stereotypes of the dangerousness and blameworthiness of individuals with depression), two affective dimensions (i.e., feelings of fear and anger toward individuals with depression), and two behavioral dimensions (i.e., social segregation and discrimination).

研究二(n = 754)中的验证性因素分析进一步证明了六维模型的拟合度较好(CFI = .935, TLI = .921, RMSEA = .068, SRMR = .063)。

In study 2 (n=754), we further validated the 6-dimensional structure and examined the psychometric properties of the scale through confirmatory factor analysis (CFI=.935, TLI=.921, RMSEA=.068, SRMR=.063).

研究三(青少年377人,父母377人)的结果表明相较于青少年群体,父母群体中针对抑郁症的污名化态度程度更高(t = 5.775, p

In study 3 (377 parents and 377 adolescents), results indicated that parents tend to endorse a more stigmatizing attitude toward depression, both adolescents’ (r = -.455, p

2. 关注生态系统

Focus on the Ecosystem


Biosynthesized Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Modulate the Phytoremediation Potential of Pennisetum Giganteum and its Rhizocompartments Associated Microbial Community Structure

Instructor:Muhammad Khalid

Student:HaoXiang Li, KeDi Li

摘要 Abstract


In the contemporary era, the influx of both organic and inorganic contaminants into the environment has resulted in its degradation, posing a substantial threat to the worldwide ecosystem (Zeeshan et al., 2021). Amidst environmental pollutants, heavy metals (HMs) exhibit heightened toxicity owing to their enduring and accumulative characteristics, presenting a detrimental risk to biological entities (Ali, Khan, & Ilahi, 2019).

镉(Cd)在农产品中的积累以及其可能进入食物链的潜在危险对公共健康产生严重影响。为了解决土壤镉污染问题,采用生物合成的氧化锌纳米颗粒(ZnO.NPs)和狼尾草(Pennisetum giganteum)的组合进行修复。通过在镉污染土壤(40 mg/kg)中使用低剂量(50 mg/kg)和高剂量(100 mg/kg)的ZnO.NPs促进P. giganteum植物的植物萃取潜力,并评估其对根际微生物群落的影响。

The accumulation of cadmium (Cd) in agricultural products and the potential danger of its incursion into the food chain pose serious implications for public health. To address soil Cd-contamination, a combination of biogenic zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO.NPs) and Pennisetum giganteum was employed for remediation. Phytoextraction potential of P. giganteum plants was assessed in Cd-contaminated soil (40 mg/kg) by facilitating with low (50 mg/kg) and high (100 mg/kg) dosages of ZnO.NPs and its impact was assessed on the indigenous microbial community associated with its rhizocompartments.

与对照组相比,ZnO.NPs显著提高了植物在植物茎部(1.48-1.72倍)和根系(1.6-2.1倍)中富集镉的耐受性和能力。此外,还观察到了抗氧化反应的改善,在ZnO.NPs低浓度下,有效减轻了氧化应激,这得以通过叶片超微结构分析得到证实。此外,土壤酶活性,如酸性磷酸酶(1.33倍和1.43倍)、脲酶(1.42倍和1.57倍)、过氧化氢酶(2.3倍和1.9倍)和蔗糖酶(1.2倍和1.3倍),分别受到低剂量和高剂量的增强。此外,我们选择研究植物根际相关的细菌群落结构,这可能受到ZnO.NPs影响的土壤酶的改变的影响。多元分析表明,在对照组、低剂量和高剂量的ZnO.NPs处理下,根际相关的细菌群落显著不同。然而,细菌群落结构的丰富度和均匀度没有显著差异,而多样性仅受高浓度的ZnO.NPs的负面影响。值得注意的是,只有在低浓度ZnO.NPs的植物中才显著富集了Thiobacillus、Stenotrophomonas、Chloroflexi、Cellvibro和Phenylobacterium等菌属。对指示菌属的深入分析也表明,不同处理下植物根际部位存在差异(LDA得分 > 2.0,p

ZnO.NPs substantially enhanced the tolerance and ability of plant to accumulate Cd in plant shoot (1.48-1.72-fold) and root (1.6-2.1-fold) system as compared with control. Moreover, an improvement in the antioxidative response was observed, which effectively mitigated oxidative stress at a low concentration of ZnO.NPs, as evidenced by leaf ultrastructural analysis. Beyond that, soil enzyme activities such as acid phosphatase (1.33 and1.43-fold), urease (1.42 and 1.57-fold) catalase (2.3 and 1.9-fold) and saccharase (1.2 and 1.3-fold) were augmented by low and high doses, respectively. In addition, we opted to examine the plant rhizocompartments-associated bacterial community structure which likely affected by the modifications in soil enzymes influenced by ZnO.NPs. Multivariate analysis demonstrated that root associated bacterial community was prominently differed in control, low and high levels of ZnO.NPs. Nevertheless, the bacterial community structure’s richness and evenness did not show significant differences, while diversity was found to be negatively affected only by high concentrations of ZnO.NPs. It is worth noting that, Thiobacillus, Stenotrophomonas, Chloroflexi, Cellvibro and Phenylobacterium were significantly enriched only in low ZnO.NPs supplemented plants. In-depth analysis of indicator genera also indicated differences (LDA score > 2.0, p


The results from this study highlight significant changes in several plant-based endpoints, particularly at low concentration, by improving the phytoremediation potential, overall plant performance and rhizocompartments-associated bacterial community structure.

温州肯恩大学学术事务副校长 杨毅欣博士


杨校长期望通过SSpF项目,鼓励温肯学生进行跨学科研究,发挥主动创造性,培养对科研的兴趣与爱好,成为真正的 “X” 复合型人才

为鼓励学生和教授一起开展学术研究,支持教学理论实践化,温州肯恩大学自2015年开始实施师生拍档科研项目(Student Partnering with Faculty Research Program,简称SpF),对入选的项目给予一定资金支持。项目的实施极大地提升了学生的科研综合素质和能力,促进课堂教学的实践化和成果化。


