Students Won First Prizes of the Quarter-final of the 24th“FLTRP Cup” National English Debating Competition

2022-04-12 | 荣誉奖项, ELC新闻, 比赛 | FU, Jiajia

From April 9 to 10, the quarter-final of the 24th“FLTRP Cup” National English Debating Competition (East China Regional) was held online.
124 teams from universities in Eastern China entered the quarter-final round.
After 5 rounds of fierce round-robin competition, the team (Chong ZHANG & Jiaxuan GU, majoring in Communication & English respectively, Coach: Jiang WU)won the first prize.

Since the preliminary selection in November last year, the English Language Center has provided systematic training and guidance for the two contestants, who have refreshed our best record in the English Debating Competition (East China Regional).

Congratulations and wish them a better result in the national final.

Editor: ELC