
2020-04-21 | 学生会, 头条发布 | Chenyan Zhou

Wenzhou-Kean University

Student Government and Trustee









Trustee, Executive Board以及Hall Council的职位



我们是谁?Who we are? 

学生理事 Student Trustee


Student trustee is the student representative to the Wenzhou-Kean University Board of Trustees. Each student is elected for a two-year term, serving as an alternate member during the first year and as a voting member during the second year.

学生会 Student Government


Student Government of Wenzhou-Kean University (WKU SG) strives to enhance the intellectual, cultural and personal growth of the full-time undergraduate population, by providing diverse activities. WKU SG is dedicated to being the liaison between the students and the administrators by acting as the voice of all the students from Wenzhou-Kean University. WKU SG provides a platform for students to develop their leadership skills.

学生会组织架构 Student Organization

学生领袖做些什么? What we do?




2019 Hall of Fame 学生会合影

过去的一年,我们组织了新生草坪派对、Open House、万圣节百鬼夜行、校长晚宴等校园大型活动,获得了同学们的强烈反响;我们同时作为学生群体与校方之间的桥梁,一直以来致力于为温肯学子的校园权益保驾护航。


年级代表和Hall Council在秋季学期上线了全新的权益反馈通道,他们和学生理事一道深入学生群体,聆听同学们的诉求,为学生权益的维护作出了突出的贡献。





Job Requirements


Only one student is admitted for this position.

To be eligible, a student must be:
● A full-time matriculated student in good standing with No history of any student conduct violations
● Must be eighteen (18) years of age or older and a citizen of China
● Maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0, and have completed at least thirty (30) degree credits
● Passion for student work, strong working ability, team spirit, innovation, and responsibility; strong leadership, coordination, and expression skills

Executive Board of SG竞选职位简介

Job Requirements


• GPA 3.0 or above

• None of probation

• Serving in Student Government for at least one semester OR serving as the President of a student group for at least one semester

• Passion for student work, strong working ability, team spirit, innovation, and responsibility; strong leadership, coordination, and expression skills

President of Student Government


The President is responsible for ensuring that the Executive Board and its seven/six Officers: are aware of and fulfill their responsibilities; comply with applicable policy and procedure; conduct business effectively and efficiently, and are accountable for their performance. In order to fulfill these responsibilities and abide by the organization’s policies and procedures, the President presides over meetings, proposes policies and practices, sits on various committees, monitors the performance of all Executive Board Officers, proposes the creation of committees; and performs other duties as the need arises.

Executive Vice President


The Executive Vice President is responsible for initiating conversations with students about how the organization can better serve their needs and can make more effective use of their time and institutional resources. Function in ways that recognize students benefit from many and varied experiences during their years at the university and that learning and personal development are cumulative, mutually shaping processes that occur over an extended period of time in many different settings.

Vice President of Programming


The Vice President of Programming is responsible for making sure Wenzhou-Kean University is given social, cultural, and educational opportunities beyond the classroom experience at little to no cost.  The VP must understand that the wide array of interests and needs the WKU University students have and be able to effectively distribute money to program for the student population.  The Vice President of Programming secures diverse representation on Programming Board and manages the effective implementation of all Student Org. programs.

Vice President of Public Relations


The Public Relations Officer is in charge of advertising and promoting Student Government throughout the year. It communicates with each field as a bridge, works with the president to connect to other colleges’ student organizations and local governments, and presents a good appearance of student government.

Vice President of Human Resource


The Human Resources is composed of a Vice-President and several members of the Human Resources Field. Its aim is to provide and cultivate talents for the student union, and to create a harmonious atmosphere within the student government. The Human Resources needs to assist the Presidium to conduct new and general elections, conduct targeted high-quality training for the members of the Student Government, and collect information on the members of the Student Government. At the same time, it is responsible for the regular evaluation of the individual performance of the ordinary members and the officers of the Student Government, and the implementation of the corresponding reward and punishment system. In addition, the Human Resources needs to organize and plan the ice-breaking and team building within the student government in order to build a harmonious team atmosphere and strengthen the team. Team cohesion.



The Finance is responsible for the whole financial expenditure of the student government and ensures the reasonable and orderly financial management of the student government. Be responsible for the liquidation and management of the office assets of the student government. In the day-to-day work, maintain close contact and cooperation with various fields, provide the daily required financial support of each field, and ensure the normal operation of the student government. The Finance and Programming Field and the Public Relations will jointly complete the project budget and be responsible for the financial management of the whole process. In general, Finance will provide strong logistical support to the Student Government during the day-to-day and event and try to achieve the benefits of the student union members.



The Secretary is responsible for all materials and documents for student government. The Secretary must understand that minutes are to be taken seriously as they can be used as legal documents. The Secretary must keep contact information up to date as it is critical in order to successfully communicate important information to the Executive Board and Student Council.

Vice President of Student Groups


The Student Groups is a field based on the service of the community. It is the bridge between the school community and the student and plays an important role in the community affairs of the school. During the day-to-day work, the joint field of the community has been working to strengthen the mutual understanding and communication among the communities, to close the distance between the students and the community, to better serve the community, and to provide the community with a strong backup guarantee to support the growth and progress of the community. To provide the students and students with more abundant and higher quality social activities and unique community culture.

Class Representatives


Sophomore Class Representatives

大二年级代表                                      4名

Junior Class Representatives

大三年级代表                                      4名

Senior Class Representatives

大四年级代表                                      4名

Hall Council 竞选职位简介

Job Requirements


1.Reside in the residence hall of application for the term of office without any misconduct records2. Maintain GPA≥3.0 at the time of application and throughout the term of office3. Passion for student work, strong working ability, team spirit, innovation, and responsibility; strong leadership, coordination and expression skills.

Position Vacancy


President of Hall Council positions are open to the respective resident
• President of Training Building: 1 vacancy
• President of Plum: 1 vacancy
• President of Orchid: 1 vacancy
• President of Bamboo: 1 vacancy
• President of Chrysanthemum: 1 vacancy
• President of Banyan: 1 vacancy

竞选Time Line


April 10th Friday

E-Board & Class Reps Application Available

Please fill the application form via the link.


April 16th Thursday

Online Candidate Meeting

It is a MANDATORY meeting for candidates.

The meeting will provide you more detailed information.

Scan the QR code at the end of text to enter the group chat.



April 19th Sunday

E-Board & Class Reps Application Deadline

No application form will be accepted beyond the deadline.


April 30th Tuesday

Public Speech

Candidates will deliver a speech video

via official accounts of the Student Government.


May 8th to May 10th

Voting Period(48h)

SG encourages candidates to show their shining points by the video.

Each class students are encouraged to vote their favorite candidates.


May 10th Sunday

Election Result Announcement

Via WKU email & Hall of Fame


排版|宋娅婷 汤涟猗