Headline News

  • 2020-02-05

    Global Linkage, Thousands of Miles to Help-In the face of the epidemic, the WKU people do their best to contribute

    At WKU, there are faculty members from 28 countries, as well as alumni and exchange students scattered around the world. In the face of this epidemic, they are our most solid foreign aid force! The WKU people at home and abroad acted for the first time, helping Wenzhou in their own way, and cheering for China.   Line up with family members to purchase supplies in the Philippines Candy Chiu, a marketing teacher from WKU, is spending her Chinese New Year holiday in her hometown of Manila, Philipp…
  • 2019-12-20


    12月18日,温州市人大常委会主任、党组书记葛益平来我校宣讲十九届四中全会精神和省委十四届六次全会精神。宣讲会由我校党委委员、纪委书记周东主持,党委委员、人资部主任夏彩国出席,全校师生代表参加。 葛益平从会议的时代意义谈到其深远影响,强调了党的十九届四中全会的开创性和里程碑意义。他说,中央全会将坚持和完善中国特色社会主义制度、推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化作为主题进行研究,并通过《决定》,这在党的历史上还是第一次。该《决定》全面回答了在我国国家制度和国家治理上,应该“坚持和巩固什么、完善和发展什么”这个重大政治问题,谋划了“中国之治”的新蓝图,指明了新时代推进国家治理体系现代化的新路径,实现了国家制度建设上的新飞跃。 葛益平以历史为镜,深入浅出地为师生们介绍了我国国家制度和国家治理体系在历史底蕴、发展历程、群众根源以及实践成果等方面存在的显著优势,希望同学们在任何情况下都要坚定中国特色社会主义道路自信、理论自信、制度自信和文化自信。 从“中国之治”再到市域治理,葛益平又向同学们介绍了温州经济社会发展情况。近年来,温州大力发展民营经济、深化改革开放、提升都市能级、创新社会治理、增进…
  • 2019-12-05

    Wonderful Food Night activity was held by French club on Nov. 21.

    Wonderful Food Night activity was held by French club on Nov. 21. In this activity, our French club prepared many delicious French food for students and invited foreign professors and exchange students to share their food traditions with students. In a happy atmosphere, students have experienced the fun of the food culture of different countries. Professor Celine Doucet (French lecturer): Professor Celine from France shared the eating habits of the French people with us. In her presentation, we…
  • 2019-12-04

    Realize Garbage Classification and Build Green Campus——Wenzhou-Kean University’s proposal on Garbage Classification

    The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that to realize the sustainable development of the Chinese nation, we must adhere to the basic national policy of saving resources and protecting the environment. However, with the continuous improvement of the living standards of the citizens, a large number of domestic wastes are occupying our homes, resulting in pollution affecting the construction of beautiful Wenzhou city, and even affecting the process of green campus.…
  • 2019-11-20

    Wenzhou-Kean University Approved to Offer Graduate Programs

    The Ministry of Education of China recently granted Wenzhou-Kean University approval to launch 11 graduate-level programs. The eight master’s and three doctoral programs are in computer science, education, business and accounting, science, psychology and counseling, and architecture. “We will offer qualitatively superior programs, hire the best-qualified faculty, and continue to cooperate in the best interests of our students,” said Kean University President Dawood Farahi, Ph.D. “This is an ama…
  • 2019-11-13

    The 23rd “FLTRP Cup” National English Debating Competition — Wenzhou-Kean University Campus Selection

    WKU campus selection for the 23rd “FLTRP Cup” National English Debating Competition, organized by the English Language Center and English Debating Society, was held at the General Education Hall on November 9th-10th, 2019. Twenty eight teams registered for the campus contest and four teams entered into the final round after three round-robin preliminary debates. Here are the results: Two Best Debaters of the final round will represent WKU to attend the East China Regional Tournament held in Ma…
  • 2019-11-04

    Zhejiang – New Jersey STEM Education Training Program was successfully carried out in Kean University

    On October 21-31, 2019, a delegation of 19 school principals from Zhejiang Province, China, conducted the 11-day Zhejiang-New Jersey STEM education training in Union County, New Jersey, USA. 21 members of Kean University’s Chinese Students and Scholars Association and exchange students from Wenzhou-Kean University (WKU) actively participated in the volunteer service during the training.   On the 21st, Kean University held a welcome ceremony for the opening of the training course. President Dr.…
  • 2019-10-27

    The Book 《与温州同行》 and the Chapter 《我与肯恩大学》

    The new book conference of 《与温州同行》 (Progressing with Wenzhou) was held on October 25, 2019 at the City Hall of Wenzhou. The Wenzhou-Kean University Library was invited to attend this event and received a donation of six copies from the editorial team for the library’s collection. “Progressing with Wenzhou” is an edited book covering historic stories from 72 committee members of Wenzhou Municipal Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), describing how the prefe…
  • 2019-10-16

    Ms. LIU Jin and her Delegation from MOE Visit WKU

    On October 14, Ms. LIU Jin, Director General of the Department of International Cooperation and Exchanges of Ministry of Education (MOE) and her Delegation visited Wenzhou-Kean University (WKU). Mr. Yao Gaoyuan, Mayor of Wenzhou, Ms. Hu Jianjin, Director of Wenzhou Publicity Department, Mr. Wang Beijiao, Chairman of WKU Board of Directors and Chancellor of WKU, Dr. Wang Li, greeted Ms. LIU and the delegation. Following their campus tour to the student dormitory and the building of College of Bu…
  • 2019-09-23

    The First TOEFL Test Center in South Zhejiang was launched in WKU

    Today, the first TOEFL test center in South Zhejiang Province was unveiled in Wenzhou-Kean University. Previously, in Zhejiang Province, only Hangzhou and Ningbo had test centers. This means that Wenzhou is the third city in the province to have a TOEFL test center, allowing candidates from South Zhejiang Province and North Fujian Province to take the test directly in Wenzhou. Wang Beijiao, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Board of Directors, Dr. Xu Shuli, Vice President of…