Headline News

  • 2020-06-01

    Over 300 Senior Students Return to WKU Campus for Commencement 2020 Today!

    On May 31st Sunday, WKU campus saw over 300 graduating senior students’ return for Commencement 2020. To their convenience, several shuttle buses guided by representatives have been allocated to pick up students at railway station and airport.   According to WKU regulations of epidemic prevention and control protocols, students are permitted to getting on bus after undergoing a temperature check, showing student ID card and necessary documents. They are required to sit spaced apart with masks du…
  • 2020-06-01

    Never go with the wind when you should fly against it

    Youth Representative of G20 SMART Innovation Forum Co-founder of Low Carbon Workshop C-Future Member of the Chinese Delegation of the World Youth Forum National Outstanding Award of Voice of the Future, APEC Excellent Student of the Year of WKU …… Chen Pengda, with multiple titles, has a GPA of 3.98/4. He has won the scholarship of Zhejiang Provincial Government and Dean Academic Scholarship for three consecutive years. Because of his excellent comprehensive quality and performance, he was awa…
  • 2020-05-31

    Deng Yaqi: How to get an offer from the top accounting firm?

    Deng Yaqi, College of Business and Public ManagementAccounting WKU – the opportunity to explore the world Deng Yaqi with her students in a Voluntary Teaching Program in Sri Lanka For you, what is the best gift left by WKU? Yaqi believes that it was the opportunity to explore the world. An impressive experience occurred to her during her first summer vacation, when she started voluntary teaching in Sri Lanka. The conditions there were rather tough. Without a bed, she could only put a mattress…
  • 2020-05-30

    Offers from Five World-Renowned Universities, this WKUer believes Passion is Power

    So far, WKUer Ji Yu has already received offers from five first-class universities: University College London (UCL), University of Hong Kong, the University of Edinburgh, the University of Manchester and the University of Warwick. Dance lover, big fan of boy group, sweet tooth … this girl seems to be similar to other girls in her age. When being asked the secret of winning recognition by these schools, she thought for a moment and attributed it to one word “passion”. Indeed, this word runs thr…
  • 2020-05-29

    How to get offers from 7 famous universities including Columbia University? This senior WKUer gives a solution…

      Currently, it is the busy season for job-seeking, and senior student Zhang Jiarong in Finance major has won the recognition of Columbia University, Boston University, Johns Hopkins University, Brandeis University, New York University, the University of Warwick, and Boston College. With 7 offers in total,she has become the outstanding representative among her peers. Keeping GPA3.8+ for four years, working as overseas volunteer after school, serving as the Chairman of overseas volunteer proje…
  • 2020-05-28

    Li Yunyun: Because of trust, so persistent

    Ten men banded together in love can do what ten thousand separately would fail in—— Thomas Carlyle Li Yunyun has done such a thing. She initiated the “WKU Warm Heart Volunteer Team”, which has traveled all over Wenzhou and brought children fun English teaching. Provincial Excellent Graduates Wenzhou New youth to the countryside – Advanced Individuals Wenzhou New youth to the countryside – Excellent Practice Team Public Service Scholarship – Individual Award Public Service Scholarship – Group A…
  • 2020-05-27

    WKU Holds All Staff Meeting

    On May 26th,All Staff Meeting Spring 2020 was held at C135 CBPM. 36 staff in total were awarded as outstanding individuals. Chancellor Dr. Wang Li presided over the event. Dr. Wang Li made an opening speech by expressing his sincere appreciation to all members of the University for having done tremendous work amid the pandemic and making it possible to reach the current satisfying result of epidemic prevention and control. Vice Chancellor Zheng Xiaodong announced the list of outstandin…
  • 2020-05-27

    Liu Huaigu, the Dream Catcher

    On January 16th, the documentary “The Firsts in Life” jointly produced by CCTV Network Video Center and Shanghai Media Group Documentary Center was broadcast simultaneously on CCTV Network, Dragon TV and other platforms. In the list of cast members at the end of the show, Liu Huaigu, a senior majoring in marketing at WKU, appeared in the list of “director assistant”. Currently, the documentary has a score of 9.2 on Douban. In 2018, Liu directed WKU ’s first graduation micro film “Letter”, a…
  • 2020-05-25

    Straight to PH.D. with full scholarship, how did this straight-A student live his life in university?

    Recently, Jin Xiaotian, a senior student majoring in computer science and technology has received an admission letter from King Abdullah University of Science & Technology– a straight to Ph.D. offer with full scholarship. This university is often referred as “Arab MIT”, an international private research university specializing in science and engineering, and is one of the universities with the lowest acceptance rate in the world. Only 200-250 students are selected from 10,000 to 12,000 appl…
  • 2020-05-25

    Grasp the “Uncertainty” of life and Realize “Inevitability” from “Accidents”

    She has many titles: Student Ambassador, Student Board Member, Outstanding Student Leader…… She organized or participated in many activities: the 24th United Nations Climate Change Conference, Dinner with the Chancellor, Color Run, reading sharing session…… What matters, she said, is not the title or the experience, but how these experiences shaped her and made her who she is. My need is “uncertainty” It is said that this year’s graduates are the most miserable in history. Affected by the pan…