朗读温州肯恩广播室高考特辑 | 英语写作如何让人眼前一亮

2020-07-09 | 头条发布, 温肯朗读者, 高考 | Chenyan Zhou




Welcome to apply for Wenzhou-Kean University! We will be here waiting for you! Hello everyone, this is Appreciate Wenzhou, Voice of Kean. Welcome to our program. Wenzhou-Kean University is a Chinese-American jointly established higher education institution. Wenzhou-Kean University is dedicated to the mission of “providing the students with different development directions” by introducing the advanced educational resources, philosophy and academic system from world-class university in the U.S.. Being well-knit with the actual conditions of China and the needs in developing regional economy and cultures, the university strives for excellence in building an international university with a world-class education.




1. 积累应用文常见的种类与相应模板。比如邀请信、求职信、求助信、建议信等。

2. 应用文种类下还涉及到功能语块的积累。比如求助信中会涉及到难题的表述以及因果关系的表述。(难题:I have trouble/difficulty doing sth. (with sth.); I have a poor command of; I find it a headache for me; I encounter an obstacle to…; not well equipped with; fall beind)(难题所带来的困扰,即结果:result in/ lead to/ give rise to; which/ -ing)

3. 积累常见的话题词汇,因为同一话题会演变出多重应用文种类。常见的话题有友谊、语旅游、语言学习、志愿活动与近年来热门的中华文化。比如积累了语言学习的困难、方法、能力与意义之后,我们可以写关于语言学习的求助信、建议信、求职信、感谢信等。




1. 基本要求:阅读原文后,先根据关键词与段首语列出情节明线与情感暗线(用关键词列清晰且快速),这一步要特别注意四个衔接(续写与原文、两段续写的第一句与两段的段首语、第一段的末尾与第二段的段首语)。

2. 提高要求:

(1)由于有明线与暗线,语言需要积累动作与情感的相关词汇。比如不同的走路方式与说话方式几乎是每个故事都涉及到的。(走:walk/ step/ dart/ race/ slip/ creep/ stagger/ stumble;说:whisper/ yell/ scream/ groan/ mumble;害怕:I felt a chill of fear. / An icy hand clutched her heart./ I was in a cold sweat./ The howling noise sent shivers down his spine ./The blood froze in his veins. )其实用准确有力的动词比形容词与副词更加有力、更加真诚。比如用dart/dash/ smash open the door/ grab sb by the arm这些动词,没有提到焦虑,却更显焦虑,这就是写作原则 “TO SHOW; NOT TO TELL”。

(2)体现“TO SHOW; NOT TO TELL”原则的还有另一方法,即用环境描写去间接描写情感。如“It was totally dark. The endless gloom, nearly soffocating, clutched my heart. It seemed a dark formless danger was lurking in the shadows.”全句无一字紧张害怕,一个黑字就让人绷住了心弦。



去考大学英语四六级的大一大二学生经常笑着和我抱怨说:“老师,四六级的作文字数要求(120-150字)也太少了吧,我光写了个introduction就用完了”。我们的学生通常大一一入学就开始写500词的essay,然后慢慢地变成2000、3000。于是,写惯了academic writing的他们反而觉得写一篇仅100多词的文章非常有难度。那是不是academic writing就意味着wordy呢?当然不是的。Academic writing固然有严格的字数要求,但是它的学术性并不体现在文章的长度、高级的词汇或者复杂的句型,它注重的是concise(简明),focused (重点突出),logical(逻辑的),和structured(规整的)。


不像散文一般行云流水,学术写作有着严格的结构要求。文章正文通常分为三部分:introduction, body和conclusion,称之为sandwich structure。在introduction会需要一个thesis statement(文章主旨);Body部分会有若干个段落,每个段落的开头必须有一个topic sentence开门见山地指出段落大意,余下的部分则是对该主题句的支撑。









The November 11th shopping day lets us know how popular the online shopping is in China.

Revised: The November 11th shopping day indicates how popular online shopping is in China.

谨慎使用There be句型

在某些情况下,There be + noun/noun phrase可以有效地强调重点,但过度使用或不必要地使用会使文章显得冗长。因此,尽可能避免此类句子。

There are more than 2.5 million people who like shopping on the internet.

Revised: More than 2.5 million people like shopping on the internet.



The cameras will deter potential criminals. And they will help police a great deal when a crime actually is committed.

Revised: The cameras will deter potential criminals, and they will help police a great deal when a crime actually is committed.

学长学姐说 Q&A


Listening tips? How does hearing not wander?


Get familiar with the questions before the listening test begins, and guess the listening content according to the questions. By the way, there are unspoken rules for the listening test. It is wrong to read a topic while listening! Listen carefully. Look at the long listening questions at the back, and then look at the short ones at the front.

Q:考前作文怎么突击?How to write an essay before an exam?





Recite the template.

Write the word neatly, and keep the test paper clean to reduce corrections, before the test you can practice writing a few essays.

The common sentence patterns of composition must be memorized, and the routine sentence patterns and structures of applied writing are very important.

The beginning should be eye-catching, it must be an all-purpose beginning, better can be used in whatever topics. You can look up the sentence patterns of CET-4, CET-6, TOEFL and IELTS, then enrich the middle part and refine the ending. The head should be as stunning as a phoenix, and the tail as powerful as a leopard.


What new experience can we get in learning English in Wenzhou Kean University?


In Wenzhou-Kean University, I think the most beneficial thing is the English atmosphere provided by the school. In the past, English was just a subject, and many students studied English for grades, and the content was very simple. However, in Wenzhou-Kean University, all formal courses are taught in English. Daily communication and interaction with professors can make me feel the joy of learning English, which enables me to learn English as a daily language, not only to learn its vocabulary grammar, but also its cultural heritage. Therefore, compared to the past, I think English has become more simple and easy to understand. I don’t need to practice listening over and over again to understand the listening of CET-4 and CET-6, and I don’t need to memorize sentence patterns to feel the usage of inversion. I benefit a lot from this subtle atmosphere.

VOK温肯之声 朗读者



文字 | 温州肯恩大学英语语言中心助理主任 何晓璐
温州肯恩大学英语语言中心教师 朱维文
温州中学英语青年教师 詹杨娜
温州肯恩大学VOK 温肯之声

播音 | VOK 温肯之声 傅于真 陈法融
英语指导老师 | 陈跃
项目协调 | VOK 温肯之声 谢安 竺佳璐
指导老师 | 王葛琼 汤涟猗 James Tarwood