Hall of Fame | 最受欢迎教授获奖名单新鲜出炉

2020-05-12 | 学生会, 头条发布 | Chenyan Zhou


Hall of Fame 在今天正式拉开序幕。

本次 Hall of Fame 一共设置了四个奖项,








College of Business and Public Management

Candy Lim Chiu

Dr. Candy Lim Chiu received her Ph.D. from Kyoto University. She has eight years of academic teaching and research experience, and international corporate experience as a banker, consultant, and business development manager.

Candy Lim Chiu教授于日本京都大学获得博士学位。她有着8年的教学研究和国际企业银行家、顾问及业务发展经理的经验。她的研究领域包括市场营销、运营管理、汽车工业、网上银行和创业。

Chunxiao Xue

Dr. Chunxiao Xue joined the College of Business and Public Management in 2019. She earned her Ph.D. in Accounting from the University of Houston. Her research interests include financial reporting, taxation, and execution research.


Somkiat Mansumitrchai

Dr. Somkiat Mansumitrchai has twenty-three years of teaching experience in six countries. Before he joined the academic field, he was the CEO of Thai companies.

Somkiat Mansumitrchai博士在六个国家有23年的教学经验。在他进入学术领域之前,他曾是泰国公司的CEO。


College of Science and Technology

James Bair Yee

James Bair Yee is the professor in the computer science department at Wenzhou-Kean University. He teaches the Microcomputer Applications course now, and he used to be an instructor at Chongqing Normal University, teaching oral English.

James Bair Yee是温州肯恩大学计算机科学系的教授。他在WKU教授微机应用课程。他曾任重庆师范大学英语口语教师。

Aloysius Wong

Professor Wong finished Ph.D. in Bioscience, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia. He also has MPhil in Biotechnology at the University of Cambridge, UK. and BSc (Hons) in Biotechnology at UCSI University, Malaysia.

Aloysius Wong教授于沙特阿拉伯阿卜杜拉国王科技大学(KAUST)取得生物科学博士学位。他还拥有英国剑桥大学生物技术硕士学位,马来西亚UCSI大学生物技术学士(荣誉)学位。

Lingji Kong

As Professor Lingji Kong said, “math and statistics could be beautiful and funny, and I have been trying to interpret the concepts, methods and theories from different perspectives.”

Lingji Kong教授说,“数学和统计学可以是美丽和有趣的,我一直试图从不同的角度来解释概念,诠释方法和理论。”


College of Liberal Arts

Vasileios Bougioukos

According to his students, “Professor Bougioukos is the warmest professor I have met in WKU, and he treats every student as a friend. It is really hard to find one reason that people do not like him. I hope this handsome and warm professor who makes me fall in love with ECO will make everything goes well and be happy every day.

Bougioukos教授的学生说,”Bougiouskos教授是在我在温肯遇到最暖的教授, 他把每一个学生都当成朋友来对待。真的很难找到不喜欢他的点。希望这位又帅又暖的ECO启蒙教授可以一切顺利,天天开心。”

Danniel Dyer

According to his students, “the most fortunate thing to enter WKU is to meet professor Dyer. During the online course, he answers all students’ questions through WeChat and ensures that each student can write excellent essays. “

“进入WKU最幸运的事情就是遇到的Danny Dyer教授。在网课期间,他通过WeChat及时回答了所有同学的问题,并且保证每位同学都能写出精彩的essay。”

Joel Hendrick

According to his students, “Professor Hendrick is the first professor I met after I came to WKU. He devoted his job with dedication. In his spare time, professor Hendrick is also a loving father.”

Hendrick教授的学生说,“他是我来到温肯遇到的第一位教授。工作中的他尽心尽职。工作之余 Hendrick教授还是一位慈父。”

Dawei Lin(David)

According to his students, “when I first met David, I felt that he was thin in the middle of the classroom. However, what I didn’t expect was that he is full of intelligence. Whenever I see him, there’s always a smile on his face which makes me feel his power and confidence.”


Garry Gray

According to his students, “Garry is a very responsible professor I have met at WKU. He always gives good advice on academic planning to students;  Garry is also a good friend in life. “

Gray 的学生说“Garry 是我在WKU遇见的一位十分负责的教授。他会对你的学业规划作出很好的建议。在生活上他也是一位很好的朋友。”

Jennifer Marquardt

According to her students, “Jennifer Marquardt is a famous professor of beauty in WKU. She is super energetic and has a lot of content in class because she values everyone’s ideas. Best wishes to the beautiful and generous Dr. Jennifer M! I love her!”

Jennifer的学生说。“Jennifer是WKU出了名的美女教授。她上课超级活泼,内容也很多,主要是她非常重视每个人的想法。祝福又美丽又大方的Dr. Jennifer M!我爱她!”


College of Architecture and Design

Evan Saarinen

Professor Evan Saarinen has research interests in Globalization and Space, Theories and History of Architecture, and Material Cultures. He has a bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in architecture at the Architectural Association School of Architecture.

Evan Saarinen教授在全球化和空间、建筑理论和历史、物质文化方面有研究兴趣。他拥有建筑协会建筑学院建筑学学士学位和硕士学位。

David Gibson

Professor Dave Gibson had worked as a professional Industrial and Product Designer for over 13 years designing consumer products for brands such as Nike. Dave is excited to be here with his family in China.

Dave Gibson教授曾担任了13 年的专业的工业/产品设计师,为耐克等品牌设计产品。大卫很高兴能和他的家人在这里。


“The most popular professor” award is a fairly elected award voted by students. Wish all the best to these lovely professors. On behalf of all students, the Student Government would like to extend our sincere congratulations and best wishes to you.

“最受欢迎教授”奖 是由同学们投票公平选举的奖项。希望可爱的教授们一切顺利,学生会代表所有爱您的学生们向您表示诚挚的祝贺和衷心的祝福。

Congratulations to all award-winning professors and students who have voted them. Tomorrow’s Hall of Fame, we will witness the birth of star clubs together. See you all!

祝贺所有获奖的教授和支持他们的学生们,明天的Hall of Fame我们将共同见证星级社团的诞生,不见不散!



PS: The information comes from the official website, students and professors. The corresponding trophies will be handed out after returning to the campus.

文案丨何懿韬  王一寒 刘楚雯


图片丨陈星宇 何懿韬

排版丨陈星宇 汤涟猗
