
2019-11-13 | 头条发布, ELC新闻, 比赛 | huqiuchi


WKU campus selection for the 23rd “FLTRP Cup” National English Debating Competition, organized by the English Language Center and English Debating Society, was held at the General Education Hall on November 9th-10th, 2019. Twenty eight teams registered for the campus contest and four teams entered into the final round after three round-robin preliminary debates. Here are the results:


经过激烈角逐,Golden Voice团队获得第一。曾润泽和王鹏潮获最佳辩手,他们将代表温肯参加来年3月的华东区赛。

Two Best Debaters of the final round will represent WKU to attend the East China Regional Tournament held in March 2020.


感谢全体参赛选手对辩论的热忱。特别鸣谢James B, Lana, Annie, Jim. Y, John Chua, Kathy, Oliver, Michael, Tissa, Todd, Craig, Sugar, Kimberly, Rob M, Ginna和 Iman Johnes对本次比赛评委工作的支持。

Congratulations to all the participants who showed so much enthusiasm and effort in this debating contest. Special thanks to James B, Lana, Annie, Jim. Y, John Chua, Kathy, Oliver, Michael, Tissa, Todd, Craig, Sugar, Kimberly, Rob M, Ginna, and Iman Johnes, who helped and contributed to making this contest a fabulous success!


“外研社杯”全国英语辩论赛创始于1997年,每年举办一届,是目前国内规模最大、水平最高的英语辩论赛事。大赛采用的英国议会制辩论体系(British Parliamentary Style),是目前全球英语辩论公认的最高竞技形式。温肯辩论代表队在历届华东区赛中表现优异,并曾于2014年荣获该项赛事全国三等奖。

Note: Founded in 1997, the annual event FLTRP Cup National English Debating Competition has been recognized as the largest and most influential English debating tournament in China. The format used in the competition is the British Parliamentary debate format, a common form of academic debate which is internationally adopted. In past years, the WKU Debate Teams won a third-prize in 2014 FLTRP Cup National Competition and a second-prize in 2018 Eastern China division of this competition.


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