出发吧!| 2018美肯交换生帝都朝圣行

2018-10-15 | 头条发布, 交换生 | Chenyan Zhou






浓厚的中国风 热烈的异域情>>


Sharon Pesantes

“The trip to Beijing was a great way to experience China’s vast culture. The architecture of the Forbidden City was really eye opening to me. Going up the Great Wall was an exciting journey and it was worth for waking up early. I also tried new food like the Duck! I’m really happy that I’ve stepped out of my comfort zone and experienced a new perspective in the world.”

“这次北京之行让我感受到了中国文化的博大。紫禁城建筑的精美让人大开眼界,而长城的雄伟也让我感到十分激动,早起攀登也是值了 !我还尝试了北京烤鸭!很开心通过这次旅行走出自己的安全区域,去感受一个全新的世界。”

Sara Camacho

“Taking a trip to Beijing has been one of my biggest goals since I was just a kid watching ‘Big Bird in China’ on TV. Seeing the CMG Headquarters building became a huge part of that as I became more interested in design. It’s an absolute delight to be able to say that I accomplished both these things so early in my lifetime.”

“小时候在电视上看过‘Big Bird in China’这个节目,来北京玩就成了我人生的一大目标。后来,我逐渐喜欢了设计,参观中央电视台大楼也成了我的一个愿望。 这次旅行可以说完成了我年幼时候的心愿!”

Anthony Vernacchio(第二行左二)

“In addition to see many important sites, my favorite part of the trip was haggling for lower prices at the market places, buying some souvenirs. I learned much about unique city culture of Peking on this trip.”

“这次旅途中,除了观光旅游,我最喜欢在市场上购物, 讨价还价,购买一些纪念品,感受北京独特的城市文化。”

驻足温肯 续品中国文化


文字 | 顾轶言 穆慧焱 王舒 汤涟猗
图片 | 陈子丰 林肯
编辑 | 傅乐勇