China & USA Youth Connect Season Fosters Cultural Exchanges

Walking around the campus of Wenzhou-Kean University in the summer, you will constantly encounter foreign students from time to time. Last week, the university welcomed 39 young overseas Chinese from the United States, France, Italy, Spain, and other countries who came all the way to China to participate in the 2024 Overseas Chinese Youth "China Roots Journey" Summer Camp. As planned, they gained immersive learning experiences of the traditional Chinese culture, including Chinese language, calligraphy, painting, and fine-grain paper carving during the 10-day stint.

Inspired by President Xi Jinping’s initiative, WKU further plans to advance exchanges between China and the US, especially between the youths of the two countries. Earlier in June, the First China & USA Youth Connect Season of WKU embarked at WKU with the arrival of the delegation comprised of 19 students and 3 teachers from Kentucky.


Introducing American teenagers to exchange and study in China has provided wonderful opportunities to promote communication between the younger generation and enhance their friendships.


"This is my first time leaving the United States. Here, I see Chinese students who are full of curiosity. They are kind, motivated, and eager to learn, which reminds me of my friends and classmates back home. Have a conversation like today, I believe we will be closer to a more united future,” remarked Veronica, a young American student, during her exchange visit to Wenzhou, China.


On July 4-15, over 20 students from the Kean USA accelerated their careers with internships at the administrative departments of WKU. In addition to acquiring real-world work experience, they widened their perspectives and embraced Chinese culture on a deeper level with an open mind and attitude.

Makkeedah Mitchell, an undergraduate of criminal justice studies from Kean University, said she enhanced her understanding of China while interning overseas at WKU.


Visiting China for the first time, Makkeedah was impressed by the inclusiveness and mutual understanding among the people. “I never expected to be understood and cared for so well in a new country. China has quickly become one of my favorite countries,” said Makkeedah Mitchell, “We used to learn about China through the media, so incomplete. Now, I feel I need to explain to my friends and family at home what China is really like. Everyone should visit China at least once to have firsthand experience of its development.”

Since its establishment in 2014, WKU has exchanged more than 1,700 students with Kean University, providing opportunities for young people from both sides to explore cultural differences, break down silos and foster bilateral friendship.

Writer: Wenwei XIANG