WKU Graduate | CHI Wei: From a Green Hand to Second Author in Nature Publication--Her Incredible Transformation After a Six-Year Stint Studying at WKU


Chi Wei's journey at Wenzhou-Kean University (WKU) can be aptly described as a period of "accelerated growth."

Graduate of 2024: Chi Wei
Major: Biotechnology Science
Origin: Yantai, Shandong Province

Graduating from the university's biology program in 2022, she chose to further her studies at WKU, embarking on a remarkable path of scientific exploration and discovery.

From transformation, propagation, induction and lysis to final purification... From 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., you could find Chi Wei in every nook and cranny of the laboratory. It takes great perseverance and utmost care to complete the tedious steps in protein purification and ELISA experiments. As a biology graduate student, facing heavy scientific research tasks, she goes to the laboratory punctually every day and back to her room, just like "commuting" between two points. The laboratory has become an indispensable part of her life.


From being a novice in the field of scientific research to publishing her findings in the prestigious international journal Nature Plants, Chi's growth trajectory mirrors the mutual witness with the university.

As a 2024 graduate student in biological sciences, specializing in cell and molecular biology, Chi's dedication to her research is evident in the countless hours she spends in the laboratory. From transformation, expansion, induction, and lysis, to purification, her days are filled with meticulous experiments that require immense focus and attention to detail.


Reflecting on her undergraduate journey, Chi Wei fondly recalls how Professor Aloysius Wong guided her into the world of scientific research. It was during her junior year when she approached Professor Wong about joining his research team. To her surprise, he immediately welcomed her into the lab, introducing her to high-end equipment and techniques and opening her eyes to the wonderful world of scientific pursuit.

Last year, under the guidance of Professor Wong, Chi and her team members published an article titled "Plant adenylate cyclases have come full circle" in Nature Plants, which is known as the "No.1 research journal in the field of botany" with an impact factor of 18. Unlike previous scientific research aimed at manufacturing products, their experiments explored the unknown parts of plants themselves. Their findings have the potential to revolutionize our understanding of plant growth and responses, enhancing crop tolerance to environmental changes and improving yield.


Chi’s decision to stay at WKU for her graduate studies was influenced by the familiar and nurturing environment the university provided. She cherishes the freedom to explore various research topics and the opportunity to work closely with knowledgeable and passionate professors.

Beyond the laboratory, Chi Wei's life at WKU is rich and diverse. She has been actively involved in various extracurricular activities, honing her leadership and organizational skills. As she approaches graduation, she hopes to continue contributing to WKU, either through further research or by taking on a role in laboratory management.


In addition to her outstanding academic achievements, Chi also demonstrates her versatility through an active and enriching extracurricular life. During her undergraduate years, she served as a peer tutor, a teaching assistant for the Biology 1000 (Principles to Biology) course, and actively participated in the Psychology Club which planned the first masquerade ball... These experiences not only enriched her social life but also honed her organizational and managerial skills, showcasing excellent leadership potential in teamwork. She acknowledged the excellent facilities offered to graduate students
and the empowering atmosphere provided by WKU. It allows her to fully develop her interests and enjoy a satisfying and aspirational lifestyle.


During her six years at WKU, Chi has witnessed many changes on campus, and she says the expansion of the campus has impressed her the most. When she first stepped on campus, departments were still in their infancy, and now they have grown to process great teaching resources and experimental facilities, and the scientific research environment on campus is improving day by day. The six years have not only witnessed her growth but also fostered a deep affection for WKU in her. She hopes to stay at WKU after graduation, continue her scientific research practice, undertake the management
of the laboratory, and contribute her strengths to WKU.

Looking back, Chi Wei encourages her peers to find their true passions by communicating with different mentors and exploring various areas of study to discover their interests. She believes that the field of biology offers endless possibilities, from scientific research to science communication, environmental protection, and healthcare. With a spirit of continuous exploration and experimentation, she embodies the essence of "accelerated growth" at WKU.