WKU Graduate | WANG Yizhi: Exploring Infinite Possibilities of Design


Winning the Dean's Scholarship for two consecutive years, ranking first in the campus sustainable development design competition, participating in the filming of WenzhouKean University's promotional video, serving as the head of the Publicity Department for the campus radio VOK, working as a designer assistant... Wang Yizhi's journey towards her dream school has been fulfilling. 

Graduate of 2024: Wang Yizhi
Major: Graphic Design
Graduate School: Goldsmiths, University of London
Origin: Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province

Goldsmiths, University of London, has always been her aspiration. "I wanted to explore the boundaries of my creativity and potential. That's one of the reasons why I'm pursuing graduate studies," Wang said. She hope to find answers to these questions in her future academic journey.


Wang Yizhi believes that internships are an essential experience. During an internship, individuals need to not only possess professional skills but also develop interpersonal abilities. She noted that personal understanding and interpretation are especially crucial when navigating the intersection of academic and business environments.


On campus, Wang actively engages in practical applications of sustainable living. In the Campus Sustainable Development Design Competition, she and her "Command N" team proposed the "Clean Campus Plastics Initiative." This initiative aims to promote the reduction of plastic usage and the adoption of reusable resources through design. Focusing on the critical issue of plastic recycling within the campus, they presented a series of sustainable recycling solutions and won first place.

Regarding the inclusive and open campus environment, Wang says, "The biggest change is that I have become more confident and determined, and I have learned to express myself better." In her opinion, WKU offers a nurturing environment that allowed her to thrive and develop.


At the core of Graphic Design lies the transmission of information. which Wang considers the most crucial aspect of her university experience. In her sophomore year, students of Graphic Design and Industrial Design jointed forces on a themed series of blind box design courses centered around “Chinese traditional culture.” Wang's group infused ancient concepts of the Four Beauties into modern cosmetics, allowing consumers to indulge in the joy of beauty. She views interdisciplinary learning as an exciting and daring endeavor. Throughout her studies at WKU, everything she has learned has motivated her to seek the beauty and intrigue in life, making her more fulfilled and dynamic.


In the process of getting into her dream school, Wang Yizhi gained an in-depth understanding of the admission style and research direction of Goldsmiths, and began to prepare her portfolio. She centered her focus on the symbiotic relationship between humans and nature. Moved by discussions online regarding “scars,” Wang was deeply touched and inspired to encourage people to embrace their scars, fostering confidence and a sense of identity. She experimented with materials like hemp thread, natural pulp, and plaster cloth, resembling bodily textures, to convey this theme. At the same time, through a series of installations she was able to integrate these materials with nature, observing and documenting people’s reactions when witnessing the fusion of bodily and natural imprints. In her view, “only by reconnecting with nature can we rediscover selflove and allow imperfect bodies to regain perfection.” It was her philosophy of designing from life that resonated with the ethos of Goldsmiths College, earning her the favor of the interviewers.


Looking ahead, Wang Yizhi believes that although uncertainty permeates every aspect of it, she firmly believes that everything she does holds significant potential. “To tread the path of one's own choosing and become more resolute and courageous,” this is Wang’s message to herself for the future. She believes that little by little, she will achieve her aspirations and ideals, embarking on the brand-new journey at Goldsmiths.