Work as One: Weather the Storm, Tide Over the Crisis -Greetings and wishes to Wenzhou-Kean University from representatives and students in Kean USA via Video

March 06, 2020 | Foundation | Chenyan Zhou

As the first Chinese-American jointly established higher education institution in Zhejiang Province, both parties have always been firmly connected to each other, guaranteeing Wenzhou-Kean University (hereinafter referred to as WKU) a rapid development. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, Kean USA has been highly concerned and has been attaching close attention to the virus prevention in WKU.

Recently, to meet the invitation of Chinese Students and Scholars Association of Kean University(KUCSSA), the President of Kean USA Dr. Dawood Farahi and Senior Vice President Ms. Felice Vazquez, together with other deans, representatives and exchange students bring a special gift for WKU —— a video in which they extended their sincere concerns and best wishes, encouraging all faculty, staff and students to stand together against difficulties.

Back to early February, Kean USA decided to offer online courses in time given the severity of the epidemic. Different from traditional universities in China, WKU features in all-English and small-class American teaching style. More than 90% of the courses learned by students and all textbooks are introduced from Kean USA, and our faculty are from 28 countries and regions around the world. All these make online instruction a challenging task.

Through swift but thorough preparation, all 138 courses have now been offered online, which start officially on Feb. 24th. Staff from Kean USA are tasked with supporting online instruction of WKU in an orderly manner.

President Dr. Dawood Farahi said frankly, “the education, curriculum and delivery of WKU students are the responsibilities of Kean USA. Collaborated with WKU, they will make every effort to ensure students education and courses will be operated and conducted orderly even amid the epidemic.” In the video, he appreciated the efforts made by WKU administration, faculty and staff, which realizes the non-stop, efficient and effective teaching and administration in the battle against the virus.

Senior Vice President Ms. Felice Vazquez is both an undergraduate and postgraduate alumna of Kean USA. She expected more students will become part of the Alumni Association in the future. She believed that “under the guidance of Chinese government, situation will get better for sure, China will recover from this disaster very soon. ” She encouraged students to work harder in online courses during the epidemic.

Deans and representatives from Kean USA and Dean of College of Business and Public Management Dr. Cao Jiang,  Dean of College of Science and Technology Mr. Larry Brown from WKU, and other overseas representatives, all together extended their concerns and best wishes for students, encouraging them to fight against the epidemic with joint efforts. “You have been missed and supported from Kean USA and WKU. All the teachers from both sides are right behind you”, as some of them mentioned.

To the end of the video, students from WKU and Kean USA extended their best wishes to China, and their concerns to families and also give tips to their classmates and friends who are taking online courses now.

Keep up China, keep up WKU!

No winter lasts forever, and the spring is sure to come. Epidemic will fade away finally, Spring will bring a brilliant new start.

As a young Chinese-American jointly established higher education institution, the establishment of WKU is a prelude of a closer bond between the two countries. Since its establishment in 2011, WKU has witnessed a rapid development and a significant change. Together with Kean USA, WKU will continuously advance to nurture internationalized talents, champion joint-effort education, serve local economic development, and promote China-U.S. cooperation and communication in the future.