Everything is OK in Wenzhou——14-day quarantine diaries of WKU lectures Daniel Hoare and Daniel Dyer

March 04, 2020 | University News | Chenyan Zhou

In mid-February, the Spring comes to Wenzhou.

On March 4th, not even a single case of COVID-19 was confirmed in Wenzhou for 15 consecutive days.

A warm spring breeze is bland.

At the same time,

the control to the epidemic has gained the initial success.

Looking back on the past month, people in this city have been united to fight against the epidemic, including not only Wenzhou citizens, but also foreign friends living in Wenzhou.

In WKU, many foreign teachers returned to Wenzhou at this special time. They experienced 14-day quarantine, and stay together with Wenzhou people.


Danny Hoare

Lecturer in English

College of Liberal Arts,WKU

“I feel very fortunate that my own quarantine experience was so pleasant and trouble free.”

I was traveling around India when the COVID-19 outbreak began in China. I didn’t pay too much attention to it until around the time I planned to come back to Wenzhou. I personally wasn’t worried about it at all for a few reasons. Firstly, I heard that the death rate was only around 2% and that practically all the people who died were old. I’m young, fairly healthy and can’t even remember the last time I suffered from any illnesses beyond a light cold, so even now I’m quite confident that it wouldn’t be a major issue if I caught the virus.

I came back to Wenzhou on February 3rd, which was the same day the quarantine really started.My taxi got stopped by the inspectors on the way back to Chashan, they asked me some questions and took my temperature. And I also got questioned at the gate to my apartment complex, but I managed to get back easily enough.

I had to stay in quarantine for 14 days and didn’t leave my apartment once.I was a little annoyed at first. However, I really needed some peace and quiet after the chaos of India, and also had a lot of work to catch up on, so I wasn’t too upset.

I actually had quite a nice time. The security where I lived were willing to go to the super market every day for people under quarantine in my compound, so food wasn’t a problem, and I wasn’t alone either. I was extremely lucky to be honest. Many people had it far worse.

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, China carried out strict control measures, restricted going out was one of them.I don’t go out of my way to follow the progress of how the disease is being contained, but I hear a lot about it from many of the WeChat groups I am in. I’m quite impressed at how quickly the quarantine was implemented and how the vast majority of people follow it. Besides most people wearing masks, I haven’t really noticed many changes to be honest. Most people in my compound seem fairly relaxed about it.

I hope things get back to normal soon, and I feel very fortunate that my own quarantine experience was so pleasant and trouble free.

After the quarantine ended, Danny took a picture of the empty Chashan.”The quietest I’ve ever seen Chashan.” It’s Danny’s most direct feeling.


Danny Dyer

Lecturer in English

College of Liberal Arts,WKU

“Our home is in Wenzhou.We are safe at present.”

My wife and I understood the situation in China before we came back. We read the news and kept in touch with our friends in Wenzhou. We were worried about returning, but we didn’t have a choice. Our home is in China, and so is our dog, Nemo,is a member in our family.

My wife and I came back on February 3rd. Even though we knew we would have to be quarantined,we were not worried about it.

With Nemo, we started a 14-day quarantine on the campus of WKU.My wife and I read the books for each other, and we exercised and played with our dog.On Valentine’s Day,we made a nice and romantic dinner.Sometimes,we also enjoyed video games and watched Netflix.

In the meantime, WKU staff were wonderful.They brought us food and cared about our health.After our quarantine,they kindly helped us to move back to our apartment. Everyone at WKU HR and Logistics were great.

I believe I am familiar with the prevention and control measures.I don’t think many countries on earth could completely shut down the lines as China does,which I think is incredible.I am touched by the sacrifices of the Chinese people in fighting against this virus,and I am sad for the trouble they are going through.I wish people in other countries can understand these sacrifices and this trouble.

We are at our apartment now. So far, we are safe. I would like things to be normal again soon. I want China to be a safe home for my wife and my dog, and I want to live here for a long time to work with my wonderful students. “I miss my students.”