Interview with Dr. Ataullah Kiani: An Innovative Integration of Teaching and Research

Ataullah Kiani

Dr. Ataullah Kiani, Assistant Professor of Management at CBPM, WKU, has three of his papers accepted by the prestigious Academy of Management Proceedings. One of these papers has been selected as the best paper of the program. The three papers focus on analyzing CEO leadership and innovation in Chinese SMEs. The Academy of Management stands as a pinnacle of knowledge and innovation in the field of management studies, and Dr. Kiani recently earned a place in its esteemed 2024 edition. He is set to present his findings at the AOM Conference in Chicago in August, 2024.

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Blending Teaching and Research as a Mutually Beneficial Process

In teaching, Dr. Kiani always adheres to a student-centered approach. Through interactions with students from various parts of the world, he has observed an interesting phenomenon: Chinese students tend to place a stronger emphasis on practicality. Consequently, before each class, he contemplates deeply on how to stimulate students' deep thinking and effectively convey knowledge to address teaching challenges. He firmly believes that there are no absolutely wrong answers in the classroom.

"It is unfair to affirm one idea while denying another. Different people have different perspectives on the same issue, and I consider this an essential component of the knowledge transfer process." Dr. Kiani is passionate about encouraging students to participate in classroom discussions and raise questions closely related to real life. He always welcomes students seeking advice or further discussion outside the classroom, as he understands that positive interactions between teachers and students are crucial for effective knowledge transfer.

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Dr. Kiani firmly believes that teaching and research complement each other. He often says, "Research provides a solid foundation for teaching, keeping classroom content fresh, up-to-date, and closely connected to real-world scenarios." Through continuous communication and exploration with students, Dr. Kiani constantly adjusts his teaching methods to meet their actual needs and learning goals. This interaction not only bridges the gap between academic research and practical applications but also instills confidence and a keen insight into complex business environments among students.

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In Dr. Kiani's view, the most crucial mission of a business school is to educate people to start a business. He believes that to facilitate social development, one must first deeply understand each individual that constitutes society. As a professor, his responsibility extends beyond imparting knowledge; it involves unlocking students' potential and guiding them to consider how they can create value for society.

A Deep-Rooted Connection with China: "My Second Home"

When asked about China, Dr. Kiani remarks, "I've wanted to come here since I was young." Chinese martial arts and other cultural experiences fascinated him during his school days in Pakistan. After studying at Wuhan University, the University of Science and Technology of China and Tsinghua University, Dr. Kiani chose to join Wenzhou-Kean University. He saw the tremendous potential in Sino-foreign cooperative universities, viewing them as the perfect blend of Eastern and Western thought.

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Dr. Kiani has seen China’s continuous development and progress firsthand. He finds the commitment to innovation and teamwork of Chinese people captivating, consistently contributing to societal advancement. He has experienced the warmth and hospitality of the Chinese people during over nearly a decade of residence. For him, China is not just a destination; it's his second home, where his academic pursuits and personal passions harmoniously intersect.

Co-creating the Future with Local Enterprises of the “Gentle and Warm City”

Wenzhou, a coastal city, stands as a hub for domestic and international trade. Dr. Kiani chose to establish his research base here due to his deep belief in the city's boundless potential. When discussing the reasons that drew him to Wenzhou, Dr. Kiani emphasizes the unique blend of Chinese and Western thought in this region. The thriving private economy, especially the vibrant presence of private enterprises, has made a lasting impression on him.

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Looking ahead, Dr. Kiani is committed to connecting his research, teaching, and the city's development, contributing to Wenzhou's vibrant commercial center with great enthusiasm. He recognizes that small and medium-sized enterprises are crucial engines for sustained local economic growth. Therefore, he will continue to deepen his research on these enterprises, exploring their unique business models and competitive advantages to provide targeted advice and solutions.

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To strengthen collaboration with the business community, Dr. Kiani plans to organize more academic exchange activities such as enterprise visits and seminars, promoting in-depth cooperation and exchanges between the academic and business worlds. Simultaneously, he will actively seek partnerships with government departments, industry associations, and other institutions to jointly promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in Wenzhou and beyond.