A team from the American Institute of Architecture-Shanghai Chapter visited Wenzhou-Kean University to participate in the Spring Career Development Workshop

June 17, 2024 | Headlines, University News, MGC


On May 31, a team from the American Institute of Architecture-Shanghai Chapter visited Wenzhou-Kean University to participate in the Spring Career Development Workshop. They engaged in academic exchanges with the School of Architecture and Design, answering questions and providing insights. This event was not only a sharing and transfer of knowledge but also a collision of cultures and ideas, bringing rich career development experience and inspiration to both faculty and students.


Students work with AIA's team of architects to share experiences on resumes, portfolios and interviews. The workshop is part of a series of AIA&AIAS activities aimed at improving the likelihood of students getting employment opportunities. In the future, AIA Shanghai plans to expand similar programs to other universities in China.

The AIA is a professional architectural association based in Washington, D.C., USA. The association provides education, government advocacy, community rebuilding, public outreach, and support for the architectural industry, aiming to enhance its public image.


Wenzhou-kean University AIAS is one of the main executive teams of this event. As the only branch of the Architects Student Association in China, the association has cooperated with the School of Architecture and Design in the past two years to organize lectures, competitions, interdisciplinary seminars, intercollegiate exchanges and other activities, and participated in the American Architecture Student Forum to learn from the experiences of other foreign universities.

The visiting architect team consisted of 14 architects from various companies or firms. They came from different fields, including interior designers, architectural designers, and urban planners, providing diverse career perspectives for the students of Wenzhou-Kean University.


Vincent Peu Duvallon

The event commenced with an introduction of the guests by Professor Vincent Peu, the Chair of the Department of Architecture. Following this, President Zheng Xiaodong provided an overview of the university and the Department of Architecture. He elaborated on the educational philosophy of Wenzhou-Kean University and the unique teaching features of the Department of Architecture, emphasizing the university's efforts and achievements in nurturing architecture professionals with an international perspective.Current AIAS President, Zhang Keming, took the stage to deliver a speech, expressing gratitude to the guests and the college for their support.


Zheng Xiaodong

Subsequently, student organization leaders Zhang Qiao and Zhang Tianle delivered speeches on behalf of the International Union of Architects and organized the signing of the MOU agreement.


In an effort to cultivate a vibrant architectural community and empower the next generation of architects, the American Institute of Architects Shanghai Chapter(AIA Shanghai) and Michael Graves College of Wenzhou Kean University are joining forces in a collaborative initiative.

AIAS representatives Zhou Shichen and Wang Hongyi presented the upcoming exhibition project to the guests.


Under the chairmanship of Professor Craig Konyk, the AIA Shanghai delegation held a round table salon with faculty and students of the Department of Architecture to discuss how to achieve a balance between theory and practice in architecture courses and career development.

During the open Q&A session, students had the opportunity to engage in in-depth, face-to-face discussions with the architects, raising questions about their studies and career development. The architects patiently answered, offering valuable advice and guidance to the students.


On June 1st, the AIA Shanghai delegation, accompanied by members of WKU AIAS and the college, toured Wuma Street and Mochi Park. The architects shared their insights on the renovation and architectural style of Wuma Street. After the tour, the delegation visited several representative art galleries in Mochifang. The exhibited works allowed the architects to experience the local artistic atmosphere of Wenzhou.


未来,AIA Shanghai的建筑师们将带领WKU AIAS的成员深入了解建筑公司日常及项目工作流程。WKU AIAS也将借助AIA Shanghai的指导,全面引领中国其他大学建立发展AIAS学生分会。


Perkins & Will Xiao Sun


Firefly Studio Tianle Zhang 


Tongji U Yanzhe Hu 


AQUA Qiao Zhang 


Xframe studio Wang Yuwei


Jerde Hao Li


Box Studio CAVO MAO 


XJTLU Frank Jiang 


Acre architects Linda Wu


Urbangene Emily Cai 


Finally, the group held a discussion with Secretary Chen of the Lucheng District Federation of Industry and Commerce at Mocha Coffee. Secretary Chen introduced the guests to information about Wenzhou's cultural industry and the current situation of some young designers and entrepreneurs in Wenzhou. He also expressed a friendly intention for cooperation with AIA Shanghai. The delegation introduced the significant influence of AIA Shanghai on international architects in China. At the end of the discussion, both parties acknowledged the event and expressed hope for deeper cooperation in the future.


This event provided Wenzhou-Kean University students with valuable experience and guidance, aiding their career development. Through face-to-face interactions with internationally renowned architects, students not only gained professional knowledge but also broadened their career perspectives, laying a solid foundation for their future professional paths. Wenzhou-Kean University remains committed to offering more opportunities like this, supporting students in achieving success in a globalized career environment.


Special thanks to the participating AlA Shanghai Firms: