Results Release | 12th All China Interpreting Contest Campus Selection & Online Preliminary

June 29, 2023 | ELC News | Miao, Huinan

WKU Campus Selection for the 12th All China Interpreting Contest concluded successfully on June 10, 2023. The winners are as follows:

MEI Xiangning (English) FU Make (Psychology) DONG Caiwei (English)
HE Haoming (Architectural Studies) ZHOU You (TESOL) WU Yichen (Finance)
KONG Dan (TESOL) LIN Danmin (English) DENG Xue’er (English)
FU Yuxi (Communications) LI Zixin (Accounting) LIU Haoyuan (Psychology)

They will represent WKU to attend the Zhejiang provincial semifinal in this early July.

Special thanks to Ms. ZHOU Shanshan, Senior Translator from WKU University Affairs Office, for her participation as a judge in the campus competition. Her insightful comments provided great benefits to the contestants.


English Language Center

Wenzhou-Kean University