Tang Yuxuan: College Is an “Adventure”

December 27, 2022 | Graduate, Student Growth of CBPM | XIANG, Wenwei

Ranking first in her major, winning the prize in China-U.S. Young Marker Competition, while being the mainstay of multiple student organizations. These are the glimpses of the university life of the Marketing student Tang Yuxuan. How does she manage to spend her four years in college so fulfilling and colorful? Let’s take a look at her secrets.

Putting Academics First with All the Passion


The exciting and practical marketing courses are what motivated Tang to continue her study. Instead of learning by rote, she comprehends and memorizes the knowledge taught in class by analyzing brand cases and stories. For the final project of the course “International Marketing”, her group designed a project analysis and marketing plan for Semir and visited the Semir factory. It was an excellent opportunity for her to participate in fieldwork and understand the operations of an enterprise, which drove her into an even deeper fascination with the profession of “marketing”.

In Tang’s opinion, the ultimate goal of marketing is to put it into practice. Therefore, she pays extra attention to the accumulation of internship experience. In her sophomore year, she had tried an internship in creative management at Jingdong, and in the summer of her junior year, she worked as an account executive intern at Ogilvy & Mather China. According to Tang, internships during university provide good opportunities for free trial and error. Students may experience different working patterns in the industry, which helps them map out their future careers.

Innovative Research with Continual Exploration


After school, Tang was heavily involved in fields such as entrepreneurial innovation and academic research. In August 2021, Tang and her teammates won the prize in the China-US Young Maker Competition for their project “Intelligent Garbage Sorting Robot”.

Tang was the CMO and roadshow leader of the team. From implementing the business plan named “Intelligent Garbage Sorting Robot”, to establishing the connection with the current “garbage sorting fine policy” and combining the issues of environmental protection with smart homes, Tang has designed various marketing plans according to the diverse customer needs of different products, while making detailed plans of connecting commercial products to businesses. Moreover, the team worked hard to promote their products through Wechat public accounts, mini-programs, and other social media platforms. After strict selection, the team of Tang attended the national competition as the regional representative and won the prize of excellence.

Tang has also played an active role in various academic activities. In November 2021, she participated in the Seoul National University academic conference with the help of Dr. Candy Lim Chiu and received the “Best Presentation” award. “Undertaking academic research is a completely different experience from participating in entrepreneurial competitions. Academic research is a process in which progress is made little by little. Reviewing the literature and collecting data. It’s like planting a tree; you have to be patient and persistent and water it every day before it finally blossoms and bears fruits.” Tang remarked.

A Keen Leader and Community Worker


Vice President of the Student Union, Student Assistant of the Alumni Association, Peer Tutor, Member of the Planning Department of the Student Media and Design Center. Not only does Tang excel in academics, internships, and entrepreneurial innovation, but she is also the owner of so many other “shiny titles”.

During her time at school, aside from being an attentive club manager, large events planner, and club culture promoter, Tang is also a patient helper who often provides one-on-one tutoring to students who need help with academics. Her work as a peer tutor has helped her better communicate with people of different personalities and allowed her to meet many undergraduates and make more good friends. She believes that all these valuable experiences have added splendid colors to her campus life.

As for Tang, college life is like an adventure, and she is a challenger who constantly sharpens her skills by “upgrading and fighting monsters”. While getting through the maze, Dang has enriched her experience and realized a better self. Regarding her future career, she stated that life should not be limited and that FMCG, media, and the Internet are all industries and fields she would like to explore.