Common Reads on Student Research Day

April 29, 2022 | CLA News | xiangbingling

On April 27, nearly hundreds of students and teachers participated in Research Day at GHK Hall’s ground floor. At this event, students from various majors presented their work to the crowd, and it was evident by their expressions that they were confident and happy. The building buzzed with spectators and participants alike as they navigated the various projects and discussed students’ research. Additionally, Esteemed Professor, Yaoyao Huang, displayed the design school’s design works to the visiting guests, and we could feel that guests were interested and engaged.

Student Research Day was also a wonderful opportunity to showcase the work that students have done in support of the Common Reads Program. The event featured promotional posters designed by the students in Professor Randy Clark’s class for American Born Chinese, by Gene Yang. The posters feature bright colors and exceptional graphics, and several guests stopped to observe the attractive designs. Thank you to Professor Randy Clark for showcasing students’ marvelous work.

Overall, the day was a success for all students, professors, attendees, and the Common Reads Program.