May 22, 2019 | Graduate | Chenyan Zhou

Undergraduate Major: Finance

Future University: Australian National University

Chen Fengjiao, a girl of indomitable spirit, is always willing to make contributions and try new things.

Before she came to WKU, Chen, who was born and brought up in Hubei, had never been to Wenzhou, but now she has become deeply attached to this city where she chased her dream, made good friends, fell in love with finance, and moved further towards the world.

In Bangkok: Discussing on Humanitarian Issues with International Students

The 8th University Scholars Leadership Symposium (USLS), sponsored by Humanitarian Affairs Asia which is affiliated with the United Nations Global Compact and World Association of Non-Governmental Organization, was held at the United Nation Conference Center in Bangkok, Thailand from August 2-6, 2017. The theme of the USLS is “BUILDING LIFE, GIVING HOPE”. Over 900 delegates from 78 countries and regions across the world attended the event where more than 100 colleges and universities were represented, among which was Wenzhou-Kean University, the first Chinese-American jointly established higher education institution in Zhejiang Province. Chen,  as one of the 13 WKU delegates, went to Bangkok and discussed on the arising humanitarian issues with other delegates from around the world.

Apart from group discussions and speeches, what impressed Chen most was the community service day. “We each carried 15 kilos of supplies to the slums in Bangkok, only to be shocked by what we saw there”, said Chen, “gutters, sheds, water that smells, and unwashed people with ants crawling on them.” That scene is still etched in her memory, which has evoked in her a desire to give back to society by doing whatever she can – and so she did.

At WKU: Bringing Various Activities onto Campus to Benefit Students

You may not know Chen well, but you can actually relate a lot of your experiences to her as she once served as the Deputy Secretary of the Communist Youth League Committee (CYL) of WKU.

“Credibility Umbrella”, as you may find in the public area, is brought by a project Chen launched in her freshman year to help those in need of one when it rains. Another event she has been responsible for is the community service activity, aiming to encourage students to reach out and volunteer in rural areas during the summer holiday. In addition, Chen has organized various events such as speech contests and tennis matches, both at the municipal level, which you may have participated in if you are a fan of public speaking or sports. Moreover, the fantastic Wenzhou Lawn Carnival, which has attracted a lot of young music lovers, could not be achieved without Chen’s efforts.

With such active participation in social practices, Chen was awarded the honors of Excellent Youth League Member of Wenzhou, Outstanding Youth to the Countryside, and Public Service Scholarship at WKU, among others.

Meanwhile, the abundant experience in event planning enabled her to stand out from the fierce competition and was elected the 7th Executive Chairman of Wenzhou Students Federation (WSF). It was the first time that a WKUer had occupied such an important position at WSF. Despite the busy school schedule, not only did Chen participate in the work at Wenzhou Youth Talents College, drafting documents and organizing training activities, but she assisted in operating the official WeChat account of Wenzhou Students Federation. Her impressive work was well received by the CYL city council members.

In Finance Major: Gaining Enjoyment from Finance

Despite her busy schedule,, Chen is always striving to balance study, internships, and other activities. Being known as a courageous girl, she has her own philosophy of life, that is, students on a four-year university course are supposed to try various things in the process because only in-person experiences could lead one to a preferable path.

Chen was never hesitant when she changed her major from accounting to finance in her first year of university. “Every time I set out to do something, I would always feel frustrated at the very beginning,” said Chen as she laughed, “but I would never cower, and that’s why I made it at last. Challenging as it may seem, studying finance can be fun!” Chen still remembers the course she has taken with Professor Lin, and it was almost a nightmare when she just started to take the course struggling to keep up with the demands of the coursework. Yet, she didn’t give up. After class, she would ask the professor to help figure out all the questions she had. Once absorbed and digested, this course turned to be a total enjoyment for Chen, who is now often asked to share with juniors studying tips such as how to perform well in group work or presentation in class.

WKU is definitely a place where you can acquire a lot by studying there, according to Chen. It is in this very school that she has met her mentors and friends, gained knowledge and confidence, and sought out a clearer path to the future. “Several of us finance majors have formed a study group where we would often encourage each other, study together, and then compare our GPAs at the end of the term.” Chen said, “I really appreciate what I have experienced and achieved at WKU.”

By Fan Chen