Here come the Freshmen! We are WKUers!

August 20, 2018 | Headlines, University News | Chenyan Zhou

When most freshmen are still indulging in their summer vacations, the new freshmen of WKU have already started their adventure. Tomorrow they will be attending the 10-day PIEP (Pre-University Intensive English Program), gradually adapting themselves to WKU’s English-only curriculum environment.

This year, WKU has recruited 697 students from 12 provinces, including Zhejiang, Henan, Shandong, Anhui, Hubei, Hebei, Liaoning, Sichuan, Chongqing, Guizhou, Jiangsu, Heilongjiang, etc. We even have 34 students coming from Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and overseas.

Compared with last year, the admission scores of both science and art students witnessed a modest increase this year, which vary from 1 to 17 points. For example, in Heilongjiang, the highest science student admission score is 83 points higher than the provincial tier-1 admission score; in Hebei and Liaoning, the highest science student admission scores are 75 points higher than their provincial tier-1 admission scores; in Chongqing, the gap is 73 points; and in Zhejiang, the gap is 52 points.

On the first day, the campus is filled with joy and jolliness. Freshmen are excited, anxious and curious at the same time. They have great expectations for their future. Among all, we discovered some newcomers with stories to tell.


Once Up in the Blue Sky Now Down in the Ivory Tower

Around lunchtime, Hu Zaoxing from Sichuan dragged his luggage to our university all by himself. He was such a spotlight among other freshmen “escorted” by their parents.

Later we learnt that his independence comes from his very unique life experience.

Since 2015, China has established air force juvenile aviation schools in 11 provinces, with an annual cohort of 1,000 boy middle school graduates. Hu Zaoxing was among the very first cohort. During his three years of high school, Hu was in the aviation class of Mianyang Middle School, receiving high school education and pilot training, including national defense, military training, aviation knowhow, etc.

Unfortunately, this April, Hu did not pass a the routine physical examination, and he waved goodbye his pilot dream. Just 2 months before the Gaokao, Hu got over this obstacle and began to prepare for this grand examination. Eventually he got 594 points in Gaokao, which is 40 points higher than the Sichuan provincial tier-1 admission score, and transformed himself from a potential pilot to a new finance major WKUer.

The reason for choosing WKU, said Hu frankly, is that the university provides a broad platform for students to achieve future success. He also said that truly he could fly to the sky if he had become a pilot, but now in WKU, he expects an even more open sky for him to start a new life adventure. When we asked if he would continue to chase his pilot dream, Hu all of a sudden became a bit shy: “I would probably get a pilot license someday.”


“Sausage Girl” Flew Across 2000 Miles to WKU

This year is the first year that WKU recruits students in Heilongjiang. Surprisingly, Heilongjiang turned out to be the most “magical” province. All the 10 students admitted by WKU received full scholarships, with the highest score being 83 points higher than the Heilongjiang provincial tier-1 admission score and the lowest score being 69 higher than that.

Zhu Yifei is among WKU’s first Heilongjiang cohort, and it is she who is admitted with a total score of 555, 83 points higher than the tier-1 admission score in Heilongjiang.

After 3 hours of flight, Zhu Yifei went from the northern autumn to the southern summer. “So warm here in Wenzhou! In my hometown everybody’s already wearing long sleeves now!” Zhu spoke with a typical Northeasterners’ tone, cheerful and straightforward. This is her first trip to Wenzhou, and she brought some goodies from her hometown – dried sausages and red sausages.

The reason why Zhu chose WKU is quite straightforward too: southeast China, coastal city, all-English teaching, strong business disciplines…

This June, during a student recruitment information session, Zhu for the first time heard the name of this China-U.S. cooperative university. Having done some homework online, her confidence was boosted so that she was determined to become a WKUer without any hesitation. Of course her parent gave her a lot of support.

The beautiful campus of WKU really amazed her. “The university is still under construction, but I believe it will be even more beautiful soon.” Merely a few days on campus is quite enough for Zhu to get along with her roommates. “They are all southerners, and they consider living with a northeastern girl is great fun.”


Across the Strait Come Two Taiwan Girls

“This is my first visit to Wenzhou. Everybody’s being so friendly,” said 18-year-old Liu Weini from Kaohsiung, Taiwan when talking about her first impression of WKU.

Liu Weini graduated from St. Dominic Catholic High School, Taiwan. She was admitted by both Tunghai University and Wenzhou-Kean University. Eventually Liu chose WKU because of the all-English teaching environment. To make sure his daughter could study in a promising university, Liu’s father flew to WKU all the way from Taiwan and saw for himself if the university could provide his daughter the best platform to a bright future. Now he trustfully committed his daughter to WKU.

Freshman Liu Weini (second from right) from Taiwan, accompanied by her parents and sister.

Since 2016, WKU has been recruiting full-time students from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau and overseas. This year, 34 students from these above-mentioned regions joined WKU, which is a breakthrough compared with the past few years. Among them, 25 students come from Taiwan, which is 8 times more than the number last year.

Similar to Liu Weini, the first full-scholarship non-mainland China student, Xiao Youqi also comes from Taiwan. This is also her first visit to Wenzhou and even her first visit to mainland China. “Though we are so reluctant to send our daughter far away from home, she’s grown-up now, and we hope she can broaden her vision and learn more,” said Xiao’s mother, who also brought Xiao’s high school brother, hoping one day he can also come to study in mainland China.

Xiao Youqi’s family from Taiwan at the Freshman Reception

Xiao is a new accounting student but not very confident about her English. She hopes to improve her language skills in WKU’s internationalized learning environment so she can pursue even further education overseas four years later. Keen on social services and welfares, Xiao also hopes to participate in various welfare campaigns and try her best to help local communities.

In the evening, there will be a welcoming party with icebreaking activities and barbeque. PIEP faculty will also come to the party, interacting with the freshmen and having fun.

Vice Chancellor Dr. Zheng Xiaodong addressed to freshmen that great learning in a university comes from self-improvement, self-discipline and social commitment; also one should be tolerant and grateful so that he/she can echo what we WKUers always say: Start Here, Go Anywhere.

Writer | Wang Shu  Translator | Xu Kai  English Editor | Greenberg Charles
Photos | Wang Geqiong, Tang Lianyi, Jiang Cheng, Liu Yuting