Welcome to WKU, Class of 2019

April 20, 2016 | School season | Tianxiang

New semester arrives! On August 31, Wenzhou Kean University welcomed nearly 500 new students from nine provinces in China.

All WKU administrative departments have fully prepared for the new student orientation. New resident hall was ready for the students. The well-designed big poster “welcome New Students” was placed at the campus gate. Office of Student Affairs made an inquiry of transportation means of the new comers, including flying, high-speed rail, bus or driving. Based on this information, shuttle buses were arranged in advance to pick them up.

(Welcome poster in residence hall)

(Freshman signing)

(Senior student helping carrying luggage )


(Freshmen getting T-shirt)

On August30, light rain sprinkled. WKU staff and student volunteers were waiting at the airport and train station for the freshmen and their parents. The school bus sent freshmen directly to the dormitory for registration and check-in procedure. Electric cars were served for them to carrying their luggage. RA (Resident Assistant) and residence hall directors were helping the fresh with the procedure.

Photographers took pictures of the freshmen, recording these special and joyous moments. Wei Enyu, a student from Fushun, Liaoning Province (north China), smiled warmly at camera, “This year marks the first year that WKU recruit student in Liaoning Province. I have come along way to Wenzhou with expectations and excitement. “

It was gratifying that WKU admitted 500 tier-one students as planned. Liaoning, Sichuan, Chongqing are the three newly added provinces this year, which expands our provinces to nine.

Chen Fengjiao, a student from ShiYan, Hu Bei province, accompanied with her mother, has arrived early in August 29. “The campus is very beautiful and the accommodation is satisfying. I hope my daughter could learn from something real from university”, according to her mother.

WKU leadership, Frank Wang(Wang Beijiao) ,Qian Qiang, Zheng Xiaodong and Ying Yonghong toured the whole campus for orientation affairs. Where do you come from? Need help? Mr. Wang visited every freshman dormitory, talking to the students and parents.

Orientation day started from morning to evening, the university has arranged various kinds of activities for freshmen, such as ice-breaking activity, scavenger hunt, BBQ, drinks, snacks, music, and surprises.

(Frank Wang and Ying Yonghong talking to new students )

(Frank Wang and student volunteers )