Chinese Traditional Culture Exhibition: Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Artists at Campus

April 20, 2016 | Lecture Exhibition Forum | Tianxiang

On the morning of February 24th, Wenzhou-Kean University held the Chinese Traditional Culture Exhibition: Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Artists at Campus. Twenty artists were invited to this event, including Mr. Lin Jiandan, Honorary President of Wenzhou Painting and Calligraphy Academy, Mr. He Yuanlong, Honorary Chairman of the Wenzhou Calligraphy Association, and Mr. Wu Pinzhen, the Chairman of the Wenzhou Calligraphy Association.


Mr. Frank Wang, Chairman of WKU Board of Directors, remarked, “this activity can be a great Chinese curriculum class. WKU has always focused on producing student talent with both global views and patriotism. Students studying at WKU should not be ignorant of Chinese traditional culture while receiving Western education.”


This event not only attracted many Chinese student calligraphy and painting lovers, but also aroused great interest in Chinese culture for faculty, staff and international students.


Artists worked together to paint a three-meter long canvas with a theme of Spring Forever. Mr. Liu Jiadong, a member of Zhejiang Painters Association, sketched an ink portrait for Dr. Holger Henke, the WKU Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs. Interestingly, Dr. Henke who welcomed the event for its promotion of creativity on campus, took a phone camera “selfie” by posing with the same gesture in the portrait. A Kean University exchange student, Ms. Bai Kejia, received a painting as a gift. She then grabbed a writing brush, and energetically tried to draw a painting.


About 50 works created by the artists are collected by the WKU Art & Design Center and will be exhibited on campus.