校外投稿 Breadcrumb Home 温肯新闻报道提交表WKU News - Story Submission Form请使用下面的表格提交新闻报道,以纳入温肯新闻。提交内容将根据样式和内容进行编辑。提交不保证公布。Please use the form below to submit news stories for inclusion in WKU News.Submissions will be edited for style and content. Submission does not guarantee publication. 提交人/Submitted by 电子邮箱/E-mail 电话号码/Phone Number 部门/Department 稿件标题/Title/Subject of Story Fieldset 开始时间/WHEN: day, date and time. 结束时间/End time 这个故事是关于谁/什么的?WHO/WHAT is this story about? What's the news? 包括但不限于奖励、荣誉、新计划、认证等。Including but not limited to award, distinction, new program, accreditation, etc. 为什么这很重要?这个故事的哪些元素使它独特、有趣或有意义?WHY is this important? What elements of this story make it unique, interesting or otherwise significant? 包括但不限于国家,区域,奖项等。Including but not limited to national, regional, first of its kind, unique to WKU, etc. 这是在哪里发生的?WHERE is this taking place? 校园、建筑内或校外/Campus, building and room, or off-campus location 附上活动照片、相关人员等。Attach photo of the event, people involved, etc. No media item selected. 如果您有多个文件,请将它们放在一个压缩包中上传。If you have more than one photo please place them in a zip folder and attach. 图片说明,包括每个人的名字、头衔或相关的描述:Photo caption, including name(s), titles(s) of each person pictured and/or related description: 其他说明/Others 注:媒体中心保留因日程安排冲突或内容而拒绝任何任务的权利。温州肯恩大学不为个人提供媒体服务。所有物品均归温州肯恩大学所有。 NOTE: University Relations reserves the right to refuse any assignment due to scheduling conflicts or content. Wenzhou-Kean University does not provide media services for personal use. All items remain the property of Wenzhou-Kean University.