Wenzhou-Kean University 3rd Student Research Day

April 10, 2018 | Research News & Events | Beini Cai

1     时间 Time 2018年4月18日早上8:50-9:30

8:50-9:30 a.m. April 18, 2018

2     主会场Main Venue

分会场 Parallel Sessions

主会场Main Venue:教学楼 B101 GEHB101

分会场Parallel Sessions:教学楼 B101/C304/C305/C307/C402/C403

GEH B101/C304/C305/C307/C402/C403

3     参加人员Participants 校领导

WKU Leaders


Wenzhou Municipal Science and Technology Bureau


Experts from different colleges and universities


University Affairs, ORSP, Academic Affairs, Media and Design Center

教师代表 Aloysius Wong

Faculty Representative:Dr. Aloysius Wong

学生代表 郑诗楚

Student Representative:Shichu Zheng


SRD Faculty Judges


SRD Student Participants

4     议程 Agenda 8:50-9:00 准备

8:50-9:00 Preparatory Work

9:00 开幕式开始

9:00 Commencement of SRD Opening Ceremony


Introduction of guests

9:00-9:05 学生代表郑诗楚发言

9:00-9:05 Speech from student representative

9:05-9:20 教师Aloysius Wong代表发言

9:05-9:20 Speech from faculty representative

9:20-9:25 领导致辞

9:20-9:25 Speech from WKU leader

9:25-9:30 各位嘉宾领导启动开幕式的按钮

9:25-9:30 Launch Ceremony (LED)


The announcement of the end of SRD opening ceremony

9:30-11:40 学生分会场项目介绍

9:40-10:20 Oral and poster presentation in different sessions

2:00-5:00 学生分会场项目介绍

2:00-5:00 Oral and poster presentation in different sessions