WKUers Stand Out in the Regional Final of the 29th China Daily "21st Century Cup" National English Speaking Competition (Zhejiang Province)

June 11, 2024 | ELC News

On May 25th, the Regional Final of the 29th China Daily "21st Century Cup" National English Speaking Competition for Zhejiang Province was successfully held at University of Nottingham Ningbo China. WKU student FU Yuxi emerged as the first prize winner among the participants.


The competition comprised three segments: an initial four-minute prepared speech, followed by a two-minute impromptu speech (with 20 minutes of preparation) for the second part, and finally, the Q&A session for the third and concluding part. The final competition featured a total of 32 contestants from Zhejiang province. They gave speeches under the theme of "The Revival of Traditional Culture", showcasing their passion for and confidence in the Chinese cultural heritage. 





About the Competition

The “21st Century Cup” National English Speaking Competition, established by the 21st Century English newspaper series in 1996, stands as China’s most prestigious English-speaking contest. It also serves as the qualifying competition for the annual International Public Speaking Competition in London.